Are You a College Student Tired of Carrying ALL the Bags?

Are you a freshman who came to campus carrying WAY too many bags? Did you parents buy you an entire aisle at Target just so you can fill up your dorm room with various items you probably won’t even use? Well, here are some ways that college students like yourself can use Click & Carry to help your better navigate all your bag usage during your college experience. Makes Getting Groceries a Breeze If you’re one of the many students at a campus where you’re able to pillage some cereal from the dining hall, bravo. You also might be one of the students who go on their weekly journey to a local grocery store/Target to get your essentials. But who needs the extra drama when you’re excited to down those ramen noodles while you’re texting, watching Netflix and writing your Humanities paper? Just put your grocery bag handles into your Click & Carry, flip over your shoulder, and glide back to your dorm room. Yes, you can Boomerang yourself doing so.


Carrying Food/Equipment to your Club Activities College is the place where you figure out who you are, what you stand for, and gosh darn it, what clubs/activities you’d like to be involved with. Now, if you’re down with student government, the digital newspaper, or even improv, you will soon find out that clubs like to have meetings. Monthly meetings. During meetings, these clubs like to provide free food and snacks. The best part about these meetings is that there’s always leftovers for broke college kids to take back to their dorm rooms. Why not use a Click & Carry to make carrying those bagged chips and extra soda bottles a breeze?

Make Laundry Day Simple with your Click & Carry
Laundry day. For many college students, college might be the first time that they ever have put their dirty clothes into a machine. If that’s the case, why not use a Click & Carry to make this dirty and heavy process way easier? Just put your laundry bag handles into the convenient Click & Carry handle, twist, click, and just flip it over your shoulder. You won’t get those nasty rope burns and you can look way cooler than those other students on your floor who use their hands.

For 25 percent off YOUR OWN CLICK & CARRY, use code ‘Holiday25.’

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